A&R is infamous for derailing records to suit their preferences.
Russ shares some of his tips and tricks to keep them satisfied without sacrificing the music.
A lot of engineers, friend engineers I know are far more... have far less patience for those people than I do, but I usually try to accommodate or at least trick them into thinking that I'm accommodating. A lot of times they don't know whether you're really accommodating them or not, but I'm usually nice to them and treat them like they are intelligent... they know something about music.
Yeah, which I mean, that's just my personality though. I try to make everybody happy. I mean I don't know if that's best in those cases, though, because sometimes those people push and push... yeah and are crazy. I mean, and don't necessarily know anything, and a lot of times they're fighting against what the band's fighting for you know. What they said two emails ago… but I mean, yeah, I mean it's a case-by-case thing. I mean I'm not going to let them screw up the record, but I will try to accommodate them to the point of not screwing it up, and then if I have to undo something later, then I would.